Pastoral Care and Visiting

Churches are called to be communities of love, where people care for each other and support each other through good times and bad.
Volunteers in our Pastoral Team share with the minister in maintaining caring contact with all members of the congregation and other people in our community. This may involve visiting people in hospital or those recovering at home after illness, spending time with those who are experienced grief or significant life transitions. It might be providing comfort to people who are dying and their families. It might be giving a hand to new parents and families.There are many times when people need someone to visit, listen, and provide support, comfort and hope.
We are able to provide services or referrals to pastoral counselling, prayer support, help with personal reflection and opportunities to receive the sacraments.
If you would like a visit from someone in our Pastoral Care Team (including visits to Hospitals or Aged Care Facilities)
please contact us.
T: 02 9221 1688 E: [email protected],au
If you would like to become a Volunteer on our Pastoral Care Team, please contact us.
T: 02 9221 1688 E: [email protected]
Volunteers in our Pastoral Team share with the minister in maintaining caring contact with all members of the congregation and other people in our community. This may involve visiting people in hospital or those recovering at home after illness, spending time with those who are experienced grief or significant life transitions. It might be providing comfort to people who are dying and their families. It might be giving a hand to new parents and families.There are many times when people need someone to visit, listen, and provide support, comfort and hope.
We are able to provide services or referrals to pastoral counselling, prayer support, help with personal reflection and opportunities to receive the sacraments.
If you would like a visit from someone in our Pastoral Care Team (including visits to Hospitals or Aged Care Facilities)
please contact us.
T: 02 9221 1688 E: [email protected],au
If you would like to become a Volunteer on our Pastoral Care Team, please contact us.
T: 02 9221 1688 E: [email protected]